Why seeing every employee as high-value can make great teams
How many high-value employees do you have on your team? One? Ten? What would be the most significant impact on your team if they left tomorrow? This week on the blog, Leadership Coach, Atiyeh Ghanbari shares insights on treating every employee like a high-value employee.
vulnerability in leadership: its benefits and 4 ways to start being more vulnerable at work
Many traditional workplace leadership behaviours say that leaders should rule with an iron fist. In reality, vulnerability amongst your team can be a compelling and even freeing experience for leaders. This week on the blog, Atiyeh explores how being vulnerable can make you a better leader.
The money talk: 4 tips to help You get comfortable negotiating your pay
Salary negotiations are thought to be one of the most uncomfortable conversations you can have at work, but why? Why do we find it so tricky, and how do we get comfortable asking for more money? This week on the blog, certified leadership coach Atiyeh Ghanbari offers her tips for getting comfortable with money talk.
5 ways to improve your leadership through listening
What looks like listening can sometimes indicate that someone is not listening at all. This week on the blog, Atiyeh Ghanbari talks about the importance of active listening in leadership and tips to improve your active listening skills.
Empathy - A Crucial Leadership Skill Overlooked
Let’s face it, when it comes to the celebrated skills of successful leadership, empathy is rarely included in such a list. And if it’s on the list, then in the leadership realm we label empathy as a “soft” skill implicitly giving it less importance. It even sounds if you have empathy you’re too “soft” or “nice”. This week on the blog, certified coach + leadership consultant, Atiyeh Ghanbari, highlights the importance of soft skills in effective leadership.