Two magical words to use on a daily basis to boost your team’s morale and productivity

I’ve always believed saying a sincere and heartfelt “thank you” at work and at home is so important to show my true appreciation. Done well, it has such a positive effect on people and morale that I use these words generously. And I always explain what I’m thanking them for, even with a short sentence. Don’t provide impersonal 'thank yous' that aren't heartfelt and don’t mean anything. Another wonderful benefit is that you receive much more back from the people you’ve thanked. 

I argue that saying these 2 words is even more important in these difficult times when we’re more stressed and anxious. Those at work are more disconnected, handling greater workloads and potentially fearing future layoffs. We might feel, or actually be told, to just be happy that we have a job right now. 

I’ve always had trouble with the idea that “people are paid to do their jobs, and that’s their thanks”. I don’t agree with that, because we are people and not robots. When I receive a “thank you” it makes my heart warm and simply makes me feel great because I’ve been noticed and appreciated. It’s an energy boost that makes me want to do even better in the future. 

Aside from my feelings, there is research validating this thinking. The Harvard Business Review in 2012 reported on a survey conducted by the American Psychological Association of 1,700 employees. It found that more than half planned to search for new jobs because they felt under-appreciated. While this is not a current survey, basic human psychology doesn’t change much from one year to another. We all know how it feels to be valued and not valued whether in 2012 or 2021. 

In yet another study, researchers at the University of Pennsylvania discovered that leaders who thank their teammates motivate them to be more productive. In this study which involved fundraising calls, employees who were thanked by their managers made 50% more fundraising calls than their co-workers.

 Also encourage your teammates to recognize their colleagues’ efforts. Your team will grow closer, and these stronger bonds will improve engagement and create a better culture. All this results in better productivity, morale and growth - a win-win for all. 

Appreciation and recognition should be a consistent part of our workplace culture. Let’s remember these 2 words that our parents taught us at a very young age and use them at work too. It worked well at home the same goes at the workplace too!

So don’t wait - thank someone today!


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